Saturday, January 23, 2010


Visit ABC Medical Scrubs for 25% off all Baby Phat Medical Scrubs Collection.
INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHT OF THE DAY... "We may not be able to do any great thing, but if each of us will do something, however small it may be, a good deal will be accomplished."

Monday, January 18, 2010

A PLAN to Achieve Your Weight Loss Breakthrough

You’re ready to give your weight loss plan a good, hard, realistic look. You want to make this year the year you take the age-old resolution off your list for good. So how do you do it?
Vicki Piper, Employee Wellness Dietitian at Children’s Cancer Hospital at M. D. Anderson, has helped nurses shed weight…even those seemingly-impossible stubborn pounds. In this interview, she attests it’s not enough just to set goals to lose weight.
To see real results, you have to back up those goals with a strategic PLAN to stay ahead of your appetite. Once you’ve picked your workout regimen, follow Vicki’s smart nutrition strategy to fuel and replenish your body and get the most out of your weight loss efforts.
Scrubs: What are some real expectations that nurses should keep in mind to help them stay motivated?
Vicki: In these days of frequent meals out, bagels as big as Frisbees and pasta bowls so deep your fork gets lost, weight management is difficult—but it’s not impossible. PLAN, PLAN and PLAN some more. Prepare meals and snacks at home and bring them to work. If you need to lose weight, remember that 1 to 2 pounds lost per week is a great rate. If you fall off the wagon, don’t beat yourself up—just climb back into your wagon on the next meal.
Scrubs: Could you provide an example of a “small meal” that a nurse could have several times throughout the day? Is there an easy way to calculate what’s right for each individual?
Vicki: A few ideas for small meals would be a meat sandwich on whole-wheat bread with a piece of fruit, a baked chicken breast with ½ cup brown rice and carrot sticks, or a bowl of vegetable soup with half a sandwich. To calculate your individual needs, check out and
Scrubs: What are some tips for optimal nutrition to help your body recover faster from a big workout?
Vicki: Three key elements come into play when replenishing the body post-workout: fluids, carbohydrates and protein. The best fluid is water, of course! Next, muscles need carbohydrates to replace the carbs that were stored as glycogen and used during exercise. Fruits, legumes (beans) and whole-grain bread products are complex carbohydrates that will replenish muscles; they’re also loaded with fiber and other nutrients.
Preliminary studies suggest that a protein-carb combination may enhance muscle recovery and muscle refueling after exercise more effectively than carbs alone. Protein-carbohydrate combinations like skim milk, low-fat and low-sugar yogurt, low-fat chocolate milk and legumes will aid in recovery. A little bit of protein after a workout may help keep you feeling full. Remember, a quick 30-minute walk does NOT usually require refueling. Darn! Keep those snacks after workouts small so those calories you burned while exercising can help you with weight maintenance.

A Nurse’s Favorite Sleep and Stress Relief Remedy

Taking a long, warm bath is an excellent way to relieve the stresses and strains of being on your feet all day.
Try a homemade lavender and marjoram bath oil mixture, which has the added bonus of moisturizing the skin while it gently soothes away all your worries.
The essential oils will be sure to induce a nice, deep sleep right when you need it.
2 tablespoons almond oil
7 drops lavender oil
3 drops marjoram oil
Follow these three simple steps to add the therapeutic mixture to your bath:
1. Measure the above ingredients into a small dish or bowl.2. Mix them together thoroughly, then pour the resulting mixture into your bath while the water is running.3. Relax and enjoy a long, soothing and refreshing soak.
If you would like to enhance the effect, consider adding a bath bag containing fresh lavender and marjoram to the water. Or hang the bath bag over the faucet as you run your bath, so that the water runs through the bag.
Aromatherapy and essential oil products can be picked up at your local health food store such as Whole Foods


Six Ways for Nurses to Help Haiti
Thank God for nurses. For although the world is mobilizing around Haiti to send aid and supplies, it's the nurses who can be the most valuable resource during a crisis like this.
Join your fellow Nurses, National Nurses United members, and the Registered Nurse Response Network on an emergency mission to help Haiti. Here are six ways to do so:
1. RNs volunteer here 2. Donate money to help send nurses 3. Download and post an informational flyer 4. Share the RNRN brochure (PDF) 5. Make in kind donations of supplies, etc. 6. Call the RNRN hotline: (800) 578-8225
Read our full article on what nurses are doing to help Haitians.

Sunday, January 3, 2010




Holding of claims for services paid under the 2010 Medicare physician fee schedule -- update
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is working with Congress, health care providers, and the beneficiary community to avoid disruption in the delivery of health care services and payment of claims for physicians, non-physician practitioners, and other providers of services paid under the Medicare physician fee schedule, beginning January 1, 2010. In this regard, CMS has instructed its contractors to hold claims for services paid under the Medicare physician fee schedule (MPFS) for up to the first 10 business days of January (January 1 through January 15) for 2010 dates of service. This should have minimum impact on provider cash flow because, by law, clean electronic claims are not paid any sooner than 14 calendar days (29 days for paper claims) after the date of receipt. Meanwhile, all claims for services delivered on or before December 31, 2009, will be processed and paid under normal procedures.
The holding of claims allows Medicare contractors time to receive the new, updated payment files and perform necessary testing before paying claims at the new rates. CMS has instructed contractors to begin processing claims at the new rates no later than January 19, 2010. Please note that most contractors are closed on the January 18 Martin Luther King Day holiday. Therefore, even absent a new update, most claims likely would not have been paid any sooner than January 19, 2010, given the aforementioned statutory 14-day payment floor.
CMS has extended the 2010 annual participation enrollment program end date from January 31, 2010, to March 17, 2010; therefore, the enrollment period now runs from November 13, 2009, through March 17, 2010.
The effective date for any participation status change during the extension, however, remains January 1, 2010, and will be in force for the entire year.
Contractors will accept and process any participation elections or withdrawals, made during the extended enrollment period that are received or post-marked on or before March 17, 2010.
In addition, be on the alert for more information about other legislative provisions that may affect you.